I'd like to share some reflections for 2025. First, I invite you to consider thinking more of creating 'intentions' rather than 'resolutions'.
What are your intentions, for example, in regard to living your life feeling more aligned with your true self, your higher self - living in a more authentic way? So that the 'you' that you project out into the world is the REAL you, regardless of who you are with - whether you're at work, with a partner, with friends, with family, interacting with strangers etc.
Do your life choices align with who you truly are? Or do you feel uncomfortable with being yourself at all times, in all situations? Do you feel any 'societal pressure' to act in a way that doesn't feel 'right' to you? Maybe you're projecting and acting authentically in some areas of your life but not in all of them (or maybe you are!).
Where do you feel that you could live in a way more aligned with your true values? These could be big or small ways - for example, what you eat, who you spend time with, what you do when you're with some friends vs others, how you act with coworkers.
Or maybe look at how you consume, whether it's media, information, food, material objects - do you feel it's too little? Too much? Does what and how you consume feel healthy and nourishing to you?
Take some time to think and reflect, to see where in your life you might feel drawn to change of some kind - looking honestly (and neutrally! remember, no judgements 😊) at your habits, attitudes, actions, thoughts etc.
Remember, too, that how you talk to yourself is just as important as how you talk with others! Do you see yourself as important as others in your life? As equally worthy of the care you show towards those you love?
Be true to you! Not to anyone else's idea of who you should be, what you should do, or how you should act.
Making shifts in your life in ways that feel more genuine will help you to live a life that feels more fulfilling. Keep in mind that these shifts can be small and they can be gradual, so they don't feel overwhelming. Ultimately, you're creating greater inner balance and ease when you're living more in accordance with who you are. And the people in your life will notice!
Wishing you a year filled with health, happiness, peace and fulfillment! 🙏🤍🕊