Weekly Classes
Current Class Schedule - Livestream on Zoom
Each Kundalini Yoga class focuses on something different – some can be very physical while others are more meditative, but all classes follow a similar format: we begin with chanting, practice some breathwork (different breathing techniques) and warmups, then practice a kriya, enjoy a deep relaxation, meditate then close with chanting.
Classes are open to students at all levels of experience – all students are invited to participate to the best of their ability, to challenge themselves while honoring where they are. Just bring an open mind!
Meditation classes will focus on a longer length meditation than generally practiced in the yoga class, or multiple meditations, and will sometimes include physical exercises as well.
Please have any supports available that you like, such as blankets and cushions.
Monday evening 6:30-8:00pm EDT - 90 minute yoga class
cost: $15
Wednesday evening 6:30-7:30pm EDT - 60 minute meditation class
cost: $12
Click here to register and reserve your space!
After you've completed your registration, you will receive an email with the Zoom class link. If you do not already have Zoom installed on your device, please download it well ahead of time.
All registered students will be sent a link to the recorded session within 1 week after the class, with unlimited access to the recording.
Online Liability Waiver
By participating in an online class, I release Cindy Brohawn from any responsibility and/or liability concerning the application, processing, and/or consequences of the yoga service I have elected to receive, including online instruction. I understand that yoga includes physical movement, breath-work, meditation, and stretching techniques and, as is the case with all physical activity, I understand that the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If I experience any pain or discomfort I will listen to my body, adjust or change the posture, and inform and seek assistance from the instructor. If at any point I feel overexertion or fatigue, I will respect my body's limitations and I will rest before continuing yoga practice.
I acknowledge that participation in yoga classes exposes me to a possible risk of personal injury. I am fully aware of this risk and hereby release Cindy Brohawn from any and all liability, negligence or other claims arising from or in connection with actions, claims, and/or damages resulting in personal injuries and disabilities (physical and/or psychological) that I might incur as a result of the yoga services, including online instruction. I verify that I am physically fit to participate in yoga classes and a licensed medical doctor has verified my physical condition for participation in this type of class.
If I am pregnant or become pregnant or am post-natal, I verify that I am participating in yoga classes with my doctor's full approval. I realize that I am participating in yoga classes at my own risk.